5 Tips on Choosing Clothes for Your Session

June 18, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

The number one question I always get asked is “What should we wear?” It’s what is on the forefront of most moms’ minds when they book a session right behind “Are the kids gonna behave?” Styling a session doesn’t have to be hard or complicated, but it is important. Here are a few tips!

1.         Wear Something Comfortable

If you are uncomfortable, it shows. On your face, in your eyes, in the way you hold yourself. This goes for kids too. Let them wear something that they won’t want to rip off halfway through.

2.       Plan Layers

Weather can be unpredictable in Kansas. We all know that one minute it could be beautiful outside, and half an hour later, it is pouring rain and windy. Since my shoots are booked pretty far in advance, it could be tricky to know what the temperature will be. My biggest advice for this is to plan layers. Grab a sweater or scarf that coordinates with your outfit. It will help you from rushing around at the last minute if it suddenly is 20 degree cooler than we originally thought it would be.

3.       Think classic and simple.

Solid colors are my favorite because they are not distracting from you in the photos. But simple prints are gorgeous too, especially in family shoots where it can set everyone apart. Just don’t go overboard. If you are looking for timeless, classy looking family portraits, you want your outfits to coordinate but not be too matchy-matchy. 

And as much as your kiddo loves that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle t-shirt, persuade him to wear something different. You’ll thank yourself later, I promise.

4.       Feel confident.

Confidence shows in your face when taking photos, even when you might be nervous as heck. Finding clothes that make you feel good about yourself can be key. Or even an accessory that really shows off our eyes. Or whatever it is. Women especially, are so hard on themselves, and finding that something that gives you a little sass can mean the difference between ordinary photos and beautiful photos that show you at your best. But remember tip 1. Be comfortable too.

5.       Show us your talents/hobbies/sports.

This one is for seniors. While family sessions usually only have one outfit, seniors go through a few. The above tips go for seniors also, but this one is especially for them. What do you like? What sports do you play? How would people describe you? Talk with your photographer, and incorporate as much of your personality into your photos.

Trust your photographer. Be open to asking if you need help picking out outfits for your family. I promise that they want you to look as good as you do!





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