The Cook Family | Overbrook, KS | Overbrook, KS Family Photographer

August 12, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

I have been putting myself out there more in the Overbrook area, especially since I found that sweet spot right in our front yard. I have done a few shoots for people in the area, but never really marketed myself, relying only on word-of-mouth. Then I posted in some Facebook groups, wrote a few blogs, asked for reviews and snagged a few new sessions.

This is one of my very favorite Overbrook shoots to date.

Amanda contacted me one evening after I posted about another session.

I knew her son wasn't the most enthused, but that is expected with any of the teenage boys I shoot, it seems. I hadn't yet met her girls, but I knew that if they are like Amanda, they would be pretty chill about the whole thing. I was right.

Ryan, their son, had *just* gotten a dirt bike that afternoon, so I knew he was even less than impressed to be shooting, but he was such a good sport.

We managed the heat and humidity and captured gorgeous shots of their family in about 45 minutes, walking all over our property.

Turns out Overbrook is just the spot for me.



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